Your Word

You understand the power of the spoken word. Our choice of words and the tone with which we speak affects others greatly. To see this, we need only think of our own experiences when others have said things that convey support, empathy, vindication, criticism, attack, or disrespect.

It has been said that “a person’s word is a bond.” Here, there is an emphasis on the importance of honesty and being trustworthy. This is merely one dimension of why we must be careful with our word.

Our word also conveys how we regard others in the moment or more generally. It sends a message or a judgment of what we feel they deserve as far as respect, manners, understanding, or compassion. What do you stand to lose by choosing to leave out the negativity in tone or word choice?

Choosing to speak directly and without guile keeps our minds at ease and avoids adding stress to our lives. Of course, we cannot do this in all situations, and sometimes simple manners or even harmless lies are required. There is nothing wrong with such adaptation to society, protocol, supporting friends and family in need, or expectations for academic or professional settings. However, we should be clear and concise as a general rule. This aids communication and keeps us free of emotional clutter. 

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